Friday 12 September 2008

I've been a really busy bee...

Well I think I may have made a few decisions about my spare time today! I have now signed up for a distance learning course where I'll be studying A-Level Psychology - so watch out if I start asking you weird questions!
I have also enrolled on a 10 week course to learn more about digital photography - which includes how to use Photo-shop to edit and manipulate your images. I'm hoping to become more of a whizz on that front! Now we need to buy that digital SLR that Steve keeps talking about.
I have also seen a job advert that looks interesting, so I rang up for a application form. It's for a supply teaching assistant post at a new purpose built special needs school in Cambridge, which would mean I could continue with my studies and also earn a little bit of money - have to be careful how much because it could effect our child tax credit payments otherwise! It will also mean more experience and in a different setting than before. Watch this space!
So this is how my weeks will be looking: Monday- Psychology and SPICE(eve), Tuesday- Photography, Wednesday- Psychology, Thursday - SPICE, Friday - Psychology.Plus work if that happens, so all in all looking a little less uninspiring!

My latest dilemma is that Beth has been invited to a sleepover by a girl in her class whom I have never met, don't know her family, don't even know where she lives! I have to say it's not something I've ever had to think about before. Beforehand we either knew the family really well or had known the child a long time! So at this stage I've said to Beth that I would like her to invite Hannah round after school next week and I will get her address and telephone number and speak to Hannah's parents! Beth of course thinks this is way over the top and unnecessary!

Isaac seems to be settling into school and is really enjoying school dinners! He's joined the running club and said there were 49 children at it this week! His teacher thinks he's lovely - she's not the one who has to motivate him in the mornings! He also has set homework now- which he's none too happy about, but really it's not much more than he had to do before! Boys -eh!

Steve and I celebrated our 14th Wedding Anniversary on Wednesday-well I say celebrated, I bought Steve a gift and a card and Steve bought me a card and some chocolate on his way home from taking Isaac to school on Wednesday morning. I suggested we should go out for lunch - Steve made me cycle into Cambridge and then we did a bit of shopping and shop exploring. When we were in Debenhams Steve went off on his own (always a mistake!) when he found me again he showed me a jacket that he wanted to buy - he has it in his head that now he's an Ordinand he needs a blazer or jacket to wear - even though apart from a suit he's never worn a jacket before - he doesn't really have clothes that would go with a blazer, but that's another story- he's a combats and t-shirt kinda guy - why a blazer, why???? It was a Jasper Conran jacket (part of a suit!)and cost £99. It was black, too formal and almost a shiny material, not suitable at all! then to finish off we went to Pizza Hut for a buffet lunch - I did insist on a Magners instead of the usual Pepsi refill! He is so the last romantic,I did get some nice flowers, which i then had to carry home in my pannier, somewhat precariously!
On the jacket front - it was made somewhat worse the following day when we went to a SPICE coffee morning at a cafe in town, one of the other husbands got up to leave and put a jacket on.... however he was wearing smarter casual clothes and it wasn't shiny material and had a less formal look to it, but it hasn't helped my case!!! SPICE in case I haven't already explained in the group for Ordinands spouses at Ridley Hall, the college Steve will be studying at.
Well, time to read Isaac a bedtime story - must drag him away from a Top Gear repeat!

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