Tuesday 9 September 2008

To study or not to study -that is the question?

Having got the children seemingly settled into their new schools and with Steve about to set off on his own voyage of dicovery I have been turning my attention to some studying of my own. I am in a quandry... I have several options, that is the problem. Currently I have several GCSE's, 1 A-Level and an NNEB Diploma to my name. I never went to Uni because I failed French A-Level twice (2nd time worse than the 1st!) and by this time had met Steve and wanted to settle down etc etc.

There are many ways that I could follow: the full-time Mum and dutiful wife path, the finally get my own career path in teaching, the part-time mum dutiful wife and part-time student of life enhancing little courses. Anyone who knows me reasonably well might well assume that the first option is not really me - true I think, although today I did sleep in until 11am - the joys of Steve being at home! Isaac said I was being a lazy lump!

The 2nd option would entail several years of hard study - 2 years to gain another A-level or complete an Access course and then somehow fitting in a Degree after that and quite possibly a PGCE beyond that. I have looked into an Access course here in Cambridge which is part-time over two years, but with the prospect of 2 or 3 days in college and timetabling as late as 4.30pm it all started to sound a bit complicated with school pick-ups and after school clubs etc. Still the idea lolls about in my head.

Today I have spent far too much time looking at Adult Ed classes on the web here in Cambridge. I'd quite like to do A-Level Pyscholgy, but as yet haven't found a course that runs in the daytime. Then I picked up a leaflet that fell out of the local newspaper about ICS distance learning courses that you study at home - which set me off at another tangent looking at all those possibilities, which led me to the OU web site and so on and so on.

Now my head is positively reeling from course information and I'm still none the wiser for what to do. Steve is not really helping by having no comment to make on the subject other than "do you really want to be a teacher - all that extra responsibilty and work at home etc. At least when you're a TA you can leave it all there at the end of the day" So after that gem of wisdom I thought OK still interested in Psychology, but what else could I do.

I really would like to increase my computer skills - have you ever looked at the vast array of IT and computing qualifications out there, it's a minefield of letters and driving licenses. No idea what course means what! Then I struck upon the idea of something less educational more crafty. In the past I have completed an Interior Design City and Guilds course and a Photography Skills course, both at evening classes. So I had a look through what the local colleges had to offer and found a Digital Camera skills course which includes using Photoshop to manipulate images on your computer. Sounds interesting I thought and so for the moment I'm considering the third option, some cosy crafty type of courses, but still would love to do Pyschology-aargghh!!!! If anyone reading this has ever done a distance learning course I would love some thoughts about it, good or bad!

I just feel that being a full-time Mum (difficult when they're at school 6 hours a day), housewife and wife is not quite enough, but as yet I haven't come up with a plan for me.

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